Friday, December 14, 2007

Zoe Grace Reynolds

Zoe Grace Reynolds
December 14, 2007
9:17am (cst)
7 pounds 10 ounces
20.25 inches long

We will post more details about how the day went later. At the present, all three Reynolds' need a nap. Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers, and words of encouragement.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Tomorrow Is The BIG Day!!!

We are leaving for the hopital in a matter of minutes (St. Joseph's @ 435 and State Line Road). They want us there tonight so that they can get Rachel ready for tomorrow's induction. We begin at 6am. We are excited. We are nervous. It is a strange mix.

The next post after this should provide the great news that we all have been anticipating!!! We are looking forward to sharing the news with everyone.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Our Little Girl's Nursery

A huge "THANK YOU" to all of our parents who helped us to purchase the items for her new nursery. It looks great and will serve her well!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Kansas City's Ice Storm

For last night and this morning, the weather forecasters were calling for freezing temperatures and rain. That's a great combination for slippery roads and school closings. Kansas City dodged this prediction because the road crews did wonderful preventive work and the temperature did not dip as low as expected.

We are not in the clear, however. It is still raining today and The Kansas City Star has articles warning that tonight might bring on the ice storm that we were expecting:

Yesterday, several people had told us that in their experience severe weather has contributed to them going into labor. Whether or not this is true, we have our bags packed and are ready for whenever she decides to make her way into the world.

If she is not here by Thursday, we will go into the hospital Thursday evening so the doctors can induce labor on Friday, December 14th. This is not an indication that anything is wrong. The doctor won't let Rachel go two weeks past her due date. So for several reasons, December 14th was decided upon.

Keep checking the blog for more updates!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

40 Weeks...And No Baby Yet!

Today is our little girl's due date...and we are still waiting. We thought she might be joining us this past weekend, but the weekend came and went; she is going to keep us excited in anticipation.

We are going to be experiencing an ice storm this evening in Kansas City. It is suppose to start around 6pm this evening and go through tomorrow. Wouldn't that be fun...inching our way to the hospital in labor?

Monday, December 3, 2007

39th Week

We are at week number 39! You know what people say: in some ways, it seems like it has gone very quickly; in other ways, it has seemed very slow. We (and all of our extended family) are ready for her to here now. Keep checking this blog to see when she has arrived and to view those first pictures!