Saturday, June 9, 2007

First Side View!

Well, folks, here's the first side view of yours truly. I'm at 14 weeks this week, so we'll see how quickly the weight comes after this. I know there's not much there, but it was a good time to start. The view looks a little bigger from above (i.e. me looking down at my stomach) but it's nice to know that's the only view which gives it that appearance. Unfortunately, I'm already in maternity pants. My regular pants are pretty tight around the waist and looser around the hips (where I normally gain weight) so it didn't take long to grow out of those. Instead of buying a size or two larger in pants and only get to wear them for a month or two, I just went ahead and bought 9 month maternity clothes. They're pretty comfy! I've also already got the itching and dry skin on my stomach where things are stretching, so if anyone has any good remedies for the dry skin, please let me know. Again, thanks to all of you for your prayers and support!

Love to all!


Melinda Sorg said...

You looked less than thrilled to be taking this picture. So your moving closer...yay! Even though I'm disappointed I didn't get to see you guys in Cali!

MechaMacster said...

I'm told Vitamin E helps with itching and preventing stretch marks.

Jennifer Burgett said...

Also, cocoa butter or shea butter (from Bath and Body Works) works really well for stretch marks too.
Can't wait to find out the sex of the baby!!!

Melinda Sorg said...

I think it's about time for an update.....I dont want to spoil your news of the sex :)