Friday, April 20, 2007

Our April 19th Appointment

We were anticipating this appointment knowing that we would more than likely experience the baby's heartbeat. The baby had grown to 6mm, which doesn't seem like much, but now the baby is visible. And sure enough, we actually could see the baby's heartbeat (Just visual; no audio yet)! Alright, picture clarification time. You can see the gestational sac in the upper left-hand corner. Inside you see (excuse us for this descriptor) a snail-like shape. The upper right part of that shape is the baby. The rest of that circle is called the yolk sac ( which provides nourishment to the baby during the earlier stages. Now that the baby is visible, Dr. Lisa could give us a more probable due date: December 10th. (Although our friend, Steve deWeber, says that ultimately, the baby decides when they want to arrive) After the appointment, Rachel had some blood work done and our day was complete.

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