Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Name Game

Since we announced the pregnancy, people continue to ask two primary questions:

1) Are you going to find out the gender before the birth?
2) What are you going to name the baby?

As to the first question, absolutely! Anyone who knows us knows that we are both 'planners' to the highest level. People who know us very well do not even ask the question; they know it would be impossible for us NOT to know.

And now to question #2: being the planners that we are, we do have a name (first and middle) picked out for each a girl and a boy. We have decided to keep this info to ourselves. Some friends of our used this approach with their children's births. Their logic was simple: people will critique names before the birth, but not after. We have followed their approach (Thanks Dave and Jennifer Fletcher!).

What we were unprepared for was the amount of disturbance this would OTHER people. Statements like, "We have a right to know," and "You have to at least give us the first letter," keep getting thrown at us. We had no idea that these 'rules' existed, but alas, there they are. Please forgive us since we will not abide by them.

For those of you with patience like Hammy (Steve Carell) from Over The Hedge, some suggestions:
1) Switch to decaf
2) Take a second to calm yourself and breath
3) Be patient; December will be here before you know it!

1 comment:

Melinda Sorg said...

Just to let everyone know, the name is Melinda Kay if it's a girl after their daughter's favorite aunt. Or Mel K. after their son's favorite aunt. Problem solved!